Jo Frost on Britain’s Killer Kids

You know I love a good crime drama or documentary so when I saw an advert for ‘Jo Frost on Britain’s Killer Kids’ I just had to share it with you.

If you have Sky, it is on the Crime & Punishment Channel on Sunday or Monday nights at 10pm.

What is Jo Frost on Britain’s Killer Kids about?

Each episode of ‘Jo Frost on Britain’s Killer Kids’ explores a different case.  She examines the case but also meets with experts (including criminologists and reports) and some of the people closest to the family or victim.  The experts help shed light on child behaviour in general, but also the psychology of the child in the case.  The people closest to the crimes help tell the tragic stories that unfolded and whether there were red flags in the years/months preceding the murders.

Jo Frost explores some of the following questions:

  • What is it that drives a child to kill?
  • Why do some people believe that there are those who are pure evil from birth?
  • When is a child criminally responsible for their acts?
  • Should a child of ten years old be convicted of murder

These questions are quite difficult and challenging for some to answer, or at least get their head around. Lots of people have their own views on criminal responsibility and children, when it should come into place, the types of crimes etc.

So who is Jo Frost?

You might recognise her name if you have watched mainstream UK TV over the last 10 years or so.  Jo Frost has over 26 years experience working with children, and she has headed up shows such as SuperNanny, SuperNanny US and many more.

It will be really interesting to hear Jo’s experience and knowledge come through when discussing such harrowing events.  It is very often hard to believe that children are capable of doing something like this, but sadly it does happen.

Episode 1

Episode 1 looks at the case of Daniel Bartlam, who killed his mother Jacqueline in 2011. Daniel was 14 at the time he committed the murder.  If you are wondering if you recognise the name, and there was a lot of press coverage at the time, it might be because he was obsessed with a hammer murder from Coronation Street.

Are some children just born evil? Do all of these children that commit such horrendous crimes have mental illnesses? Do they know the difference between fact and fiction? Are they aware of right and wrong?

I am really excited to see what this programme looks at and examines.  Will you be watching Jo Frost on Britain’s Killer Kids? Let me know!

Are kids born evil? Watch Jo Frost on Britain's Killer Kids to find out Click To Tweet

Rebecca x

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