CLT Paralegal courses

Earlier this week you will have probably seen my post on the LITM discount now available for all of you (if not check it out here –

Just before Daniel over at CLT gave me my own discount – I rather cheekily asked him if he would be able to give my friend Alix the same discount for ULS followers as she really wanted to undertake the Specialist Family Paralegal course!

And he said yes.. plus as Alix was initially unsure if this was the right thing, he sent across samples of some of the modules so she could get a flavour of it, and I am super happy as Alix decided to start studying (plus we had spent a few hours discussing how good an opportunity this would be for her and I know she will do so well on it), plus as you can study in your own time, you are still able to work etc.

Daniel is really great with answering any questions you have about the courses, providing you with samples and also replying ridiculously quickly to emails.

So if this is something you are interested in undertaking then do head on over to their website – or send him an email (his email address is in this post here: )

Don’t forget to quote LITM to get your discount and also keep me updated if you are going to be studying any of these courses as I would love to know how you get on.

Rebecca x

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