LITM | Instagram Study Challenge March 2017
LITM | Instagram Study Challenge March 2017
LITM | Instagram Study Challenge March 2017

Instagram Study Challenge March 2017

With so many amazing law students on Instagram, I thought it would be nice to get to know each other a little better, so created the Instagram Study Challenge March 2017.

What is the Instagram Study Challenge March 2017?

The LITM Instagram Study Challenge is a way for law students all over the world to get to know each other better.  As it stands I have met some amazing students through Instagram.  However, I thought it would be nice to get to know them better, and more of us can have conversations, so thought a Study Challenge will help with that.

Instagram Study Challenges seem to be extremely popular amongst students all over the world, and other sectors have instagram challenges as well! Such as the self employed, photographers, makers of clothing etc.

how can you join in with the LITM | Instagram Study Challenge March 2017?

Quite simply download the LITM | Instagram Study Challenge March 2017 using the link below.  Alternatively just go onto my Instagram (Follow me on Instagram here.) and repost the image of the challenge.

If you do want to join in, why not repost an image of the challenge and tag me in it! That way I know you are onboard.

You can join in every day if you want, or just the days that you want to do so.  Just upload a photo corresponding to the information on that day and use the hashtag in the caption or comments!

The hashtag is #LITMstudychallenge.  I will be following all of the posts and images that get shared with the hashtag.

[email-download download_id=”3237″ contact_form_id=”3150″]

I can’t wait to get to know more of you, and also get to know some of you even better!

Enjoy the LITM | Instagram Study Challenge March 2017.

Rebecca x

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