Has Montgomery Administered the Last Rites to Therapeutic Privilege?

Has Montgomery Administered the Last Rites to Therapeutic Privilege? A Diagnosis and a Prognosis

You might be wondering why I have shared this rather lengthy title with you, and you also might be thinking that it looks very much like a lecture title, that is because it is!

The UCL run  amazing law events open to the public, and these include a full lecture and seminar programme, and I regularly attend them when  I can.

When I saw this particular topic shared back in November I knew I had to book on (plus they are all free).

This is a particular area of law I am interested in and if you would like more information you can check out the website with all the relevant info here.   This event is on Thursday 19th January 2017, it starts at 6pm and is scheduled to end at 7pm.  You can book online.

This particular session is part of UCL Law’s “Current Legal Problems” series and they have some brilisnt topics coming up.   The Rt. Honorable Baroness Hale is running a session in February.  For a full list of topics that are being covered in this series, click here.

I will be live tweeting the event on Thursday (subject to phone signal/wifi) so keep an eye out for that!

Rebecca x

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