It’s Christmas Day!

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is here again. Is it just me, or has this year flown by?

I know that you will all be very busy right now with family and friends enjoying Christmas Day. So this post is a quick one just to wish you a wonderful Christmas break.

Lawyer In The Making | Christmas Card
Lawyer In The Making | Christmas Card

wishing you all a wonderful Christmas

So Lawyer In The Making has its first ever company Christmas Card and some went in the post last week.  I had the pleasure of playing Santa and hand delivering them to a few people in London.  I dropped a card into to a few clients, law firms, barristers, chambers and organisations.  Sadly I couldn’t send one to everyone I know, but I wish I could.

A special Christmas email went out this morning, so subscribers to my weekly newsletter have a Christmassy email in their inbox!

If you don’t subscribe to my email, feel free to make my Christmas by subscribing here.

Have a brilliant Christmas!

Rebecca x


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