It’s time to talk blogging for lawyers and law students!

I am so excited that I get to talk to some students and academics at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge all about blogging! I will also be talking about the benefits of blogging, my experiences, why I blog and why it is important that lawyers, law firms and law schools are blogging too.  As well as sharing some of my top tips for writing, blogging essentials and also how I have set up my blog.


I am speaking at the event on 25th October, along side Dr Egle Dagilyte (after meeting at the ALT Conference earlier this year). I love getting invited to speak to law students, and I love speaking about blogging, the benefits to law students and places they can write.


Blogging is a great skill to have, and many aspiring lawyers once they reach vocational stages will be required to write blog posts, whether for law firm or chambers websites.  Blogging as I mentioned above is an essential skill for any business, and law is no exception.

Blogging is also a very different writing skill to some of the work law students (and lawyers) do on a daily basis, so it is handy to get experience of writing shorter content.

I always encourage law students to write, but one of the main things I say is that if you aren’t going to be committed to writing regularly for your own blog, you are far better writing for some of the online law magazines and journals.

You can check out the flyer for the event here: Blogging Event and do let me know if you are coming along. I would love to chat before hand.

There is going to be a twitter hashtag for the event #BloggingStudents and you can also check out the various social media platforms for Anglia Ruskin Law School and Law Society.

Rebecca x

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