A brief guide to being a law student

I am so excited to announce that my e-book ‘A brief guide to being a law student’ will be available to purchase very very soon.

It has been an amazing project to work on, and I will explain all about why I made the decision to write the e-book as well as why there has been a slight delay in launching it.

Here is the front cover Of a brief guide to being a law student

A brief guide to being a law student.
A brief guide to being a law student.

I have been very lucky to work with We Are Mogul on this, and it is handy because they get me, and what Lawyer In The Making is and stands for, and they have brilliant ideas and know all of the tech based stuff too!

I can’t wait for you to see a lot more of it and I will be sharing sneak peaks over the coming weeks.  As soon as I have a launch date I will let you know but in the meantime make sure you subscribe to my weekly newsletter as I will be sharing a discount code to all of my followers.   Here is a copy of the launch email that I sent to my subscribers and you can subscribe via this link, as well as on the blog itself.

I hope you find the ebook useful, informative and a resource you can use throughout your legal studies.  I have tried to make it different to the standard ‘how to be a law student’ books on the market, and I really hope you enjoy giving it a read.

ebook twitter account – a brief guide to being a law student

I have set up a separate twitter profile for the ebook and you can find it here.  Do follow for ebook launch updates, sneak peaks and lots more information, and if you can retweet and share with friends, family, colleagues and fellow law students I would be extremely grateful.

Rebecca x

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