CenterParcs – a weekend away to switch off and spend time with the family.

I am so excited for this weekend, I am just off to CenterParcs (Eleven Forest) for a long weekend with my mum, two sisters and Benji the dog.

Elveden Forest CenterParcs (taken from CP website)
Elveden Forest CenterParcs (taken from CP website)

When we were younger we used to go there a lot, and I went 2 years ago with friends.  I always find CenterParcs a great place to switch off from the world.  When I was there 2 years ago I couldn’t get phone signal. and the wifi was limited to restaurant areas (and it wasn’t very good), so I am not sure if I will have signal to share photos on my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Snapchat accounts (Snapchat name: rebeccaalice91).

I will update you all on my return with photos, stories and some of the things we got up to whilst we were there.  I am so excited to spend a long weekend with everyone, as the 4 of us haven’t been away together in over 8 years!

The ‘out of office’ is on, something I rarely do, but I typically tend to work weekends, and I thought at least this way I do not have to worry about emails Friday-Monday, and part of me is hoping I don’t get signal/wifi so that I don’t notice how many emails are coming in, and I won’t be tempted to quickly respond.

Wellies packed, blog posts scheduled, it must be time to leave soon?

I am heading off in about half an hour and will meet my mum, sisters and Benji there for a day of exploring before we can check in to our lodge.

Expect lots of blog posts, photos and stories to follow.  CenterParcs really is one of those places where you can relax, get active and just make the most of being outdoors, in a home from home environment.  Whether you cook your own meals or eat out, spend all day partaking in the various sports activities or just lounging around watching TV and Films in your lodge, playing crazy golf or bowling, going on lots of walks and enjoying the animals that surround the forest, or making the most of the subtropical swimming paradise (which I love because it is so warm!) and having a giggle on the rapids – you always seem to have a brilliant weekend, come away feeling relaxed – and it makes a great location for blog posts and photos!

Have a brilliant weekend everyone.

Rebecca x


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