American Bar Association member!

So two weeks ago I became a member of the American Bar Association, and with that I get lots of emails on various areas of law in relation to seminars, webinars, conferences and news updates.

I am interested in American law and you may remember that I undertook a virtual New York work experience programme a few years ago and also had Amicus Training.  Plus the New York Bar has been on my radar for a little while, as well as branching out with that.

I do really like America, and have been fortunate to make friends with some amazing American lawyers over social media and events I have been too!

I am looking forward to seeing what the ABA has to offer, and hopefully broadening my skills and knowledge – as certain aspects of the American legal system do intrigue/frustrate me!

Check the website out here – they have lots of events, great training and resources.  I did subscribe to their emails before, but I am now a proper member.

Let me know if you are a member too!

Rebecca x

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