Diary of a part time BPTC student part 19

Hi everyone,

It feels like the next BPTC weekend is fast approaching, and that means we don’t have many conference sessions left before the exam in May and it also means that the Professional Ethics exam is even closer!

As you may have seen on here and on Twitter I have been extremely busy this month with work, something that I did not expect, but it meant I haven’t had as much free time to study – but equally I don’t want to knock the fact that I am so happy to be working a lot on projects I really love.

So I am heading off to The Hague on Friday for a conference and I have printed some of my professional ethics notes to take with me – I am not sure if I will have time to look over them, but hopefully I will!

I am going to be prepping conference and advocacy next week and I will let you know in next weeks #diaryofaptbptcstudent post how it goes and what stage we are at with advocacy.  My advocacy group gets a new advocacy tutor for the next session which is slightly daunting but always good to have other people critiquing you, and helping you improve core skills.

Rebecca x





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