Diary of a Part Time BPTC Student – Part 8

So what have I been up to this last week… A lot of studying and listening to online lectures! I can’t believe I am back at uni next weekend. These 4 weeks in between classes seem to go extremely fast. Which is quite scary seeing as we have an exam on the 4th January!

I have had lots of conversations since the Annual Bar Conference on various ideas and projects so I have been busy working my way through the emails and arranging meetings with people.  Lots to inform you on in due course!

I am currently in Manchester at the train station waiting for my train back to London after a day of filming with Tim from We Are Mogul and Marc from Coolbox. Tim and I managed to get some blog administration type bits done as well. A very productive but tiring day, and surprisingly not as nerve wracking as I imagined it would be.

A big thank you to everyone who sent me across questions, some were used today and anything I haven’t answered will be answered on my blog in due course!

Rebecca x


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