Working from a sunny beach in the Bahamas?

I personally could not think of anything better than a week in the sun, especially when the weather has been so cold and dreary outside.

Imagine spending a week working here….

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Rather than a week spent here where the weather is once again going to be wet and windy and a strong chance of another disruptive week for commuters…

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That is exactly what a law firm did back in January/February time and is offering to its members of staff – so where would you like to go? There are obviously some conditions which go with this paid for trip, but nonetheless the firm did not have to offer this to the staff, and they believe that this well help people get through the slightly less appealing months of the year!

The firm that did this at the start of the year is Quinn Emanuel, and whilst many firms have offices abroad that you can relocate to, I haven’t ever come across a firm that lets you work in the sun for a short period of time! But with more and more firms taking a greater interest in the welfare of their staff and firms being conscious of the ever increasing stress levels, could this be something that we see far more often?

So where would you choose to go for two weeks?

Rebecca x

p.s as a tiny disclaimer – these photos quite clearly aren’t mine!

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