2017 Law School Mission

Have you seen my 2017 law school mission?

At the end of 2016 I made a decision to have a series of things I wanted to achieve or start moving forward with in 2017, and one of them involved  law schools,

Nearly every law school around the world has a blog or news page on their section of the university website so it is quite frustrating to see them not be used to their full potential.

It got me thinking that maybe I could assist in that, but first I needed to ascertain why they weren’t getting used properly.

Is it because they think they don’t have time to write content?  Or maybe they don’t know how to share the content properly online? Or are they concerned about what to write, or who should be writing?

There are so many benefits to you as a law school and your students with  sharing  content online.  Plus it is a great way to engage with other law schools and also future students.  Prospective students check out your content online and what your website is offering, but an up to date blog or news page would give them such a great insight into what is going on in terms of extra-curricular activities, events, public lectures, student thought etc.

It would give them a far greater insight into life as law student at YOUR law school, rather than them just checking out the standard list of modules

You can check out my blog post and video about this portion of my 2017 mission here.

So I want to help you as best I can with this. 

Do you need help with knowing how to write blog posts? How to share the great content online? How to build up a bank of writers through your staff and students?

I am going to be running some very basic training sessions for your law school, and academics and students are welcome to attend.

So if you think you would benefit from a 1 hour session with some Q&A time, then  why not get in touch and book a session.

My training sessions can be in person or by a webinar link so that way if you do live abroad then you aren’t missing out.

I really do mean it when I say that I would love to help more law schools engage better online through this type of content, plus there is nothing worse than going onto a blog or news page and the last bit of information being dated 2014.

Why not start showcasing some of the amazing things you are doing!

Rebecca x

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