There isn’t just one way to become a lawyer…

The other day I read an interesting article and thought I would share it with you.

If I told you that one man left school at 16 with very few qualifications but is now a partner at a Top500 Law Firm, would you believe me?

Everyone these days is so focused on getting a law degree and progressing that way that often you forget that people can work their way up, even from the most junior of levels.

Very often you think of people working their way up in terms of associates, senior associates and then partners, or the respective in terms of the Bar, but more people stay being Barristers.

I have to be careful here though, as I don’t want to sound hypocritical, because anyone that knows me will know that from a very young age I was determined to graduate with a law degree.

(Whilst I personally have chosen to go down this route I do recognise the other options available).


This gentleman left school at 16, and had such few qualifications that he could not undertake A Level courses or progress on to a degree.  So he started out as an office junior and is now a Partner.  This shows how much hard work and having the right attitude can impact where you end up.

I think that studying is hard work but you also need the right work ethic.

Plus having seen trainees, new pupils and newly qualified solicitors, life to being with isn’t all fun and games… Legal work at a starting out level is mixed in with plenty of admin and more mundane but important tasks as well as training!

It is also your attitude when undertaking basic tasks that puts you in good stead for undertaking more exciting and more regular legal work.  I also think that is extremely important for everyone to have a clear understanding of the initial process.  It is also ensures that even when working your way up the employment ladder you have respect and an understanding for those undertaking work beneath your level.

No matter how you go about getting where you want to be, hard work, determination and commitment along with the right attitude will get you a long way.

Rebecca x

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