Pre Order | Crime Writers | Rod Reynolds | Cold Desert Sky

So a little while ago, you might remember that I featured Rod Reynolds on my Crime Writers Q&A Series.  You can read the interview here, and it seems lots of you loved it, based on the messages I have received.

With that in mind, I thought I would share something with you.

Rod Reynolds third novel in the Charlie Yates series is being published on 5th July 2018, but you can pre-order it now on Amazon.

Cold Desert Sky, as mentioned above, is the third book in this series by Rod Reynolds, and both book 1 and 2 have had amazing reviews.

Pre Order | Cold Desert Sky
Pre Order | Cold Desert Sky

If you would like to read a little bit more about Cold Desert Sky you can do so here, and you can also pre-order the book so that it lands on your doorstep once it has been released in July!

Rebecca x

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