A Brief Guide To Being A Law Student – How can I buy it?

If you have read the blog posts and want to get your hands on a copy of my ebook then you need to follow these steps.

I am currently in the process of swapping servers etc. so I am using a different method to sell my ebook temporarily.  I will update this as and when you can purchase it via the website.  In the meantime though, it is still very much available.

To purchase:

  1. Send an email to lawyerinthemaking.co.uk and put the subject line “Ebook Purchase”.
  2. I will send you a link for payment for £12.99.
  3. On receipt of payment I will send across a download link to the ebook.  The link to the ebook expires in 7 days so make sure you hit the download button (I can always send again if you miss it though!).

It really is that simple.

I have received some lovely reviews so far, here are just a few:

“Your ebook is really useful, I have already changed up my social media bio’s and interacting far more on social media”. Karen, 1st Year LLB. UK.

“Thank you for the ebook, it is a really useful book.  The ebook is a very useful resource for law students.  I really enjoyed reading it.” Muhammad, 2nd Year LLB. UK.

“Thank you, I’ve read about 100 pages so far and I’m loving it.  It’s so unique and fun to read not like other guides I’ve read.  I love the way it’s set out and it’s so informative.  I’m excited to read more of it.  It’s been so helpful so far at uni, and networking events I’ve been to.” Jodie, studying the integrated masters degree in law at Northumbria University.

“Wow – so easy to read, thanks for creating a guide that I can refer back to when I need some help.  Your work experience section was really helpful and I can’t wait to undertake more work experience using your ideas in 2018.” James, 2L, Boston.

“Thank you – I am so glad I bought this.  It feels like I am having a chat with you when I read the chapters.  I feel super encouraged to pursue with social media and engage a little bit more with the legal sector.” Lauren, Third Year LLB, UK.

I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Rebecca x

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