5 Stress Busting Tips For Exam Season

5 Stress Busting Tips For Exam Season

If you could see my inbox on my emails, and my DMs on Twitter and Instagram you would be shocked by the amount of messages from “stressed” law students.  It isn’t just the UK that is entering exam season either.  With that in mind I thought I would share 5 stress busting tips for exam season, but as always remember this list is not exhaustive.

Find out what works best for you, and what keeps you stress-free (or the least stressed), keeps you revising well and productive but also healthy, not sleep deprived and ready for your exams!

Stress Busting Tips
Stress Busting Tips

Here are 5 Stress Busting Tips For Exam Season

Get Some Fresh Air

So often students tell me they wake up and revise solidly in their room or library all day and night.   This is so unhelpful.  The only saving grace if you are going to the library is that you are actually leaving your room and hopefully get some fresh air en route.

Get outside if you can, even if it is a 15 minute walk! Whether you use that time to switch off, or continue revising is up to you.  As you will see below, taking a break is important! However, you might learn better outside, so maybe use the fresh air to re-listen to a lecture on your phone, or to switch off by checking up on legal news, sports results, random news etc.

Maybe switch off completely and leave your phone in your pocket, or give your parents or friends a quick call.

Whatever you choose to do, please do not spend hours and days in the same location!

Get Some Sleep

As important as fresh air is, so is sleep! Revising and cramming all night, really won’t help long term.  If you are studying all day and night, you won’t be retaining information or performing at your best.  You will also be shattered for your exam and that is not what you want.

Try and stick to your usual sleep schedule and pattern.  Not sleeping at all or sleeping for less than your body is used to or wants can cause a lot of problems.  You definitely won’t be feeling on top form for revising or sitting the exam.

Work around your schedule, I know not everyone works best first thing, or late at night etc.  But… make sure you are sleeping.

Eat Proper Food 

Living off chocolate bars, takeaways, massive packets of crisps and energy drinks will not help your brain function.

The sugar high, will become a sugar crash at some point.

Try and get something healthy down you, eat some fruit or vegetables as well! I love chocolate and will snack on that, but I also eat healthy food.

Are you someone who is tempted to buy lots of junk food? Then why not take a lunch (or even your snacks) with you.  If you go prepared with some healthier alternatives, you will study better and you won’t be on a hunt for some food (which is typically unhealthy snacks).

Stay Off The Caffeine (and caffeinated drinks)

So many memes and photos get shared of students cramming in the library surrounded by empty cups of coffee and tins of energy drinks.

If you can please refrain from consuming too many of those, or consuming them at all.  If you are trying to stay focused because you have crammed all night then as mentioned above you need to sleep!

Take A Break 

Do not study 24/7, you won’t be working at your best.  Whether it is watching an episode of your favourite programme, cooking yourself some decent food, going to the gym, do it! Take a 15 minute break every now and then, get up from your books or computer screen.  Take a longer break as well! You cannot function properly, or retain all the information you need if you are working 24/7.  Plus it should help you keep focused.

I will be sharing some other revision, stress and study tips, but what do you do to when it is exam season?

Remember to check out my revision planner downloads for May here, and I will be uploading a full study/revision set in September for the next academic year. So make sure you subscribe to my blog so that you don’t miss them! (Click here to subscribe, and I promise I won’t spam your inbox).

If you are struggling with anything at University remember it is really important that you speak to someone about it and I filmed a very short video explaining why here.  Whether it is problems at home, general university complaints or issues, or something subject specific speak to one of your tutors.

Good luck with your exams!

Rebecca x

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