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Have you seen that I have my own YouTube Channel?

Before we kick things off, and if you don’t want to read lots of info on my YouTube channel you can just check it out here.

I set one up in 2015/2016 to host my Q&A video and short Q&A promo video which you can view by clicking the links.  However a lot of you really liked those videos and asked for more video content, so I did start playing with creating content on that platform for you.

Thank you so much for all of the views, likes and comments (both on YouTube and on social media) it really is amazing to see.

So if you don’t already, please hit the subscribe button, it just means that you are informed every time a new post goes live.

What is on my Youtube channel?

My content is split between my two audiences, law students and lawyers.  It ranges from study tips, useful events and other information for law students.  There is also information for lawyers on creating content and using social media which really helps boost your client engagement.

Some of my videos include:

Q&A – Get to know me, Lawyer In The Making

Are you struggling at University? What can you do about it?

Law Students | How to use twitter like a pro

Law Students | Stressing about Advocacy? Here are some basic tips to help!

What content is coming on my YouTube channel?

There is going to be a lot more of the same, I am very happy that you asked for more video content.  I have really loved making these videos, and can’t wait to film more.  I also have a couple of mini-series coming in the near future for both lawyers and law students.

If you have any suggestions for videos or content you would like me to produce then let me know.  Email me your suggestions using this contact form.

, Rebecca x

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