Competition Time | Law Mind Maps


Have you heard of Law Mind Maps? If not, you will definitely know about them by the end of this post.

Most importantly though, let’s chat about this competition! If you want to skip straight to the entry form, click here. (COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED)

Competition Time | Law Mind Maps
Competition Time | Law Mind Maps

What is the competition?

Law Mind Maps are going to select seven people and they will receive one of the 7 core subject mind maps.  You could be receiving one of the following subjects: Criminal Law, Contract Law, Constitutional & Administrative Law (a.k.a. Public Law), Equity and Trusts, European Union, Land Law & Tort.

Here are a few screen shots of what you can expect to receive:

Law Mind Maps | Certainties of Trust
Law Mind Maps | Certainties of Trust
Law Mind Maps | Indictments
Law Mind Maps | Indictments

These are perfect for LLB and GDL students and the competition closes on Monday 10th April at 8am with products being posted by the 12th April.  If you enter the competition you could have them in time for your May/June exams, or even some pre-reading before you start courses next September. (Just remember to update any info that may have changed, in terms of cases, legislation, syllabus changes).

Who are Law Mind Maps?

Law Mind Maps produce Mind Maps which cover the 7 core subjects on the LLB/GDL.  Students can also pick up Mind Maps for the core subjects on the LPC and the BPTC.  The company is based in London and provide Mind Maps to students all over England and Wales.

They believe that Mind Maps aren’t just for revising and exams but perfect to help you study throughout your course.  I know from Instagram that lots of you create your own mind maps, so these would be a great addition to your learning!

Where can you find out more information about Law Mind Maps, well their website is a great place to start, plus they are on Twitter and Facebook!

How can you enter this competition?

You can enter by clicking on this form here and the competition will close on Monday 10th April at 8am. Remember that you get to select which Mind Map you choose, so you could choose to enter for each subject (to increase your chances!).  (COMPETITION NOW CLOSED)

Do remember that by entering  this competition you consent to receiving emails from Lawyer In The Making and Law Mind Maps until you choose to unsubscribe from each of these respectively.  Lawyer In The Making sends out one weekly newsletter which contains links to recent blog posts and any exciting news and you can read more about them here.

Good luck and I will be announcing all of the winners on my blog after the competition closes.

Rebecca x

Full terms and conditions are available here Law Mind Maps Competition Terms And Conditions.

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