What do I do?

I get a lot of emails asking about what I do on daily basis so I thought I’d share with you just a few things that I do for law firms and law schools all over the world.

I don’t really have a standard week so here are just a few bullet points summing up a few of the things I might be getting up to.

Social media training

You know I love social media, and there are so many benefits today for the legal sector with social media however some people just don’t quite know how to do it or they don’t do it correctly. So my training sessions show you the best ways to engage with clients, potential clients and the legal sector as a whole.

Social media management

Some people just don’t have time to manage their social media accounts themselves and that’s totally okay, as that’s where I come in.  I can help by managing the social media platforms ensuring that there is consistency.

Writing blog posts

Sometimes you may stumble across a website and be reading their content whether it be a blog post or website content (service pages etc.) and that content might actually be written by me.

I write content for people that just don’t have the time to write it themselves.  Sometimes I might be named on the website as the author, or sometimes I am writing as a ghost writer.

If you’re particularly busy law firm or law school this is a great way to get content out if you don’t have the time to do it yourself, especially as you should be blogging or updating your news pages regularly.

Training on blogging

Now you all know I love blogging and I love showing other people how to do blog effectively.  Blogging is so important for law schools,  lawyers and law firms so my training helps explain why it’s important, the benefits, how to do it effectively, why it doesn’t have to be a time consuming exercise and also some of my top tips.

Speaking at events

I’m very lucky that I get invited to speak at events, from legal conferences to law schools.  I get to talk about social media for lawyers, why blogging is so important, what life is like as a law student (and now law graduate) as well a many other subjects.

I love speaking with you all, having great conversations and sharing some of my knowledge with you.

Rewriting website content

Very often I get asked if I can rewrite some of website content, whether it is services page, an about us or any other pages on website.

Conducting social media or website reviews

Very often people will have social media channels or a website and they just aren’t seeing the results or engagement that they want.  What I do is conduct a social media or website review where I check out various things online and then produce a report which shows you exactly what is and isn’t working.  How you can improve what you are doing, as well as how to make the most of these platforms. I throw in some of my top tips as well!

Writing content my blog

Part of my week is spent writing my own content for Lawyer In The Making.   I am so lucky that this still feels like a hobby to me which I think is the most important part.  I am a genuine law geek and writing content is so exciting, I love reading news stories, finding out the legal aspects of things, sharing events, books etc.  So if you do ever see a story that you think I might be interested in do share the link with me on social media.

Writing content of the other online platforms 

Sometimes I get asked to write content myself which is then shared on other platforms or online magazines. I absolutely love doing  this and recently I wrote a series of 30 blog posts for law students which are being shared on the Thomson Reuters website and as and when posts go live I will be sharing the links on here.

So there you have it a mini-breakdown of what I do, and if you are interested in any of the things I have mentioned above, or believe I might be able to help you, then please do get in touch.

Rebecca x

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