Slightly unconventional way to fund your law degree…

So I know many first years that earn a bit of extra money by working a couple of shifts in supermarkets or restaurants, or even high street shops… but that is to earn then some extra “pocket” money, not fund their degree..

So how far would you go to fund your degree… one girl funds her entire degree and slightly lavish lifestyle by lap-dancing and stripping and some web-cam work… Working just 12 hours a week, this girl can live in a London flat, buy designer clothes, fund her law degree and the expensive law textbooks required and manage to have a life…

She claims that her line of work provides her with transferable legal skills, and does note that whilst the legal world might look down on her choice of occupation she claims that she has always wanted to be a lawyer.

She was quoted saying…’I know the legal industry is conservative – but doing my adult work shouldn’t stop me from being a great lawyer.’

As someone that works and pays for their degree, I know all too well the pressures of funding it and still trying to have a life, and I know that it can be even harder for some living off of a student loan (but not for all!)… but how far would some of you go to fund your degree if you couldn’t rely on a student loan…

Surely any profession would naturally frown upon this kind of work, and whether they should or they shouldn’t is a matter for each individual…

One of my main reservations for this is what if some of her current clients turn out to be people that interview her for Training Contracts or jobs as a NQ solicitor, in my head that just doesn’t seem to add up and there surely would be some awkwardness on all parts.

Whilst the legal profession is somewhat more liberal than it has been in previous years, and is very much promoting females in the profession and what not, could this be seen as just one step too far.

Everyone has the right to work and fund their degree in any way they want, but I can’t help feeling that there are slightly more appropriate methods and ones that may also provide far greater legal transferable skills.

Let me know your thoughts…

Rebecca x


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