A mini tribute to Gary Slapper

On Tuesday morning I woke up to a twitter feed full of tweets remembering Gary Slapper.  It came as quite a shock to read the tweet from The Times (below).


Gary Slapper

Gary was someone who was on twitter all of the time. Whether sharing his thoughts on legal news stories, useful tips for law students, and just funny and light hearted legal and political tweets.  His personality always shone through.

If I wasn’t seeing tweets online by Gary, I was reading his articles in The Times. (If you don’t already read The Times, I would highly recommend subscribing – the law section is brilliant, and it is worth subscribing just to read some of Gary’s articles).

a lover of law

He was a lover of law, the intricacies and curiosities, and people, hence his ability to write great content and appeal to a mass audience (from a variety of legal and non-legal backgrounds).

His tweets were retweeted multiple times and he always shared a mixture of content; the good, the bad, the funny and the ugly from the legal profession! He was a man that knew how to write, but most importantly how to teach and explain, his books are testament to that.

He had such a remarkable career, and despite being extremely busy, he always took the time to talk to people,. Whether over twitter, in person or at the other end of an email.

I had many an email conversation or twitter chat with Gary, talking about our passion for law, writing about law and how much he loved helping aspiring students.

Gary’s articles for The Times were always brilliant.   The weird cases highly amusing, his thoughts on politics and law thought provoking, and his books equally brilliant. His books are ones that I regularly recommend to students and will continue to do so.

2016 has seen some remarkable people leave this world, and as a result Gary Slapper will be one of them. He really will be sorely missed amongst the profession!

Rebecca x

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