Register To Vote – 3 Hours To Go

This is your final reminder from me here at Lawyer In The Making…. you have 3 hours to head onto the website and vote.

You can read my two previous blog posts on this here and here which will you give you the lowdown on how to vote, why the deadline was extended and all of the details you need.

One thing that did slightly bother me about the extension being granted, is that whilst the website should not have crashed… why were so many people leaving it until the last hour or two to register?  They have known for ages that they need to register if they want to vote (and they aren’t already registered) so why did they leave it until the last moment.

I do however think that it is important that everyone who is eligible to vote should be registered, and voting! Not just for the EU referendum, but all the other times we have a right to vote.

Don’t forget to register tonight!

Rebecca x


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