Where should I study the BPTC?

Here is a question I was asked recently.


I searched but asking an enrolled student is better. Can you tell me that what is the difference between 8 providers? I really want to do BPTC from BPP Holborn branch but I heard it’s quite expensive and I can do it from Manchester metropolitan university with really less price like £12000 instead of £19000.


It is just personal preference in terms of location and provider. There is no difference in the modules taught, and everyone has to sit certain exams set by the Bar Standards Board, and the other exams are set by the individual providers but they are in accordance with guidance, as all students have to leave the BPTC competent in key skills.

London is more expensive, but it is entirely your choice in terms of where you want to study. I was always going to study in London but I know countless people that have chosen up North!

Rebecca x

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