5 reasons why you need to use WhatsApp Groups

I am a fan of a WhatsApp group and in particular one for my mini BPTC group!  On our first day on the BPTC and after we had been split into our groups of 12 we quickly formed a mini group of 5 (4 of us are in the same advocacy group which helps!).

We headed to the pub, exchanged numbers and a WhatsApp group was formed.

So why do you need a WhatsApp group for the BPTC?

  1. You can discuss BPTC work, whether that is random questions, questions on work we are prepping or just general guidance – it makes it so easy to discuss topics!
  2.  You all share something in common, you work and you study – and they understand the pressures that that can bring.  We all have those days occasionally where we are so busy that we just aren’t concentrating and to be able to ask silly questions, knowing you aren’t being judged is always good!
  3. Only seeing people once a month isn’t a lot (despite those 4 weeks seeming to fly by when trying to work) and so just being able to catch up is nice!
  4. When you bond with each other you are able to help each other so much more easily, whether that is answering questions, sharing ideas or even giving constructive criticism.  We get on well and therefore taking constructive criticism is so much easier as you know it isn’t personal, and they are trying to help you!
  5. You become closer as friends!  We bonded quite quickly anyways, and it helps we are all of a similar age, but they really do understand the good days, the bad days, and life in general!

There are plenty of other reasons such as sharing photos from class (such as white board photos etc.) so maybe I will do another post like this again soon!

I highly recommend the use of whatsapp groups for keeping in contact with each other, sharing ideas and being able to ask for help with things, but also just talking about life in general!

After all, we are going to spend the next 2 years with each other, but I also have a feeling that we will be friends for a very long time after that!

Rebecca x

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