Day 12 #janlawblogpost

Today’s strange law comes from Germany and it involved the Autobahn.

Running out of gas on the autobahn mean’s that you are breaking the law, and can be fined. You can also have your driving license removed for up to 6 months. In some extreme cases (e.g. when a life is endangered as a result), running out of fuel can be considered a crime and the driver may face a custodial sentence of up to 5 years.

Whilst on the subject of autobahns, it is also illegal to stop on the side of the road unless you are in an accident.

The autobahns seem to contain a lot of laws (considering it is a road with no speed limit – and only occasionally has recommended speed limits for certain times e.g. traffic accidents, weather etc.).

Another autobahn law is that it is illegal to pass another vehicle on the right.  You are only allowed to do this if you are in a traffic jam (called a ‘stau’ in German).   You are supposed to always travel in the right lane.  The left lane is for passing.  They suggest/recommend that if you are driving fast, you will probably end up staying in the left lane because you will be passing a lot of vehicles.

If you approach a slower vehicle that is in the left lane, you can flash your bright lights but only from a safe distance.  If you tail gate and flash your bright lights, you can be fined for coercion.

There are a lot of laws here to abide by if you are on an autobahn, but at least you don’t need to worry about the speed limit!

Rebecca x



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