Legally Blonde – Passion!

So yes, I have just sat here and watched Legally Blonde again for about the tenth time.  The first time I actually saw Legally Blonde was when my sister took me to the Theatre to see it, I hadn’t seen the film, but the Theatre show was amazing and I had to watch the film after that!

As it got to the end of the film and Elle gave her graduation speech the quote (like it always does) really resonated with me.

                 On our very first day at Harvard...

                a very wise professor quoted Aristotle.

                "The law is reason free from passion."

                Well, no offense to Aristotle...

                but in my three years at Harvard...

                I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient...

                to the study and practice of law and of life.

                It is with passion, courage of conviction...

                and strong sense of self...

                that we take our next steps into the world...

                remembering that first impressions...

                are not always correct...

                you must always have faith in people...

                and most importantly...

                you must always have faith in yourself.

I think it is so true that passion in the law is just one of a few key skills that anyone considering pursuing a career in law needs, passion is what keeps you going at midnight when you are writing your coursework, or at 7am or 11pm when you are in the office working, or when you lose your first case.

Passion is what gets you through those days that aren’t the best, or the days when things just don’t go your way and you are waiting for everything to just click into place.  And given the current legal climate, passion is what keeps you applying for mini pupillages, work experience, training contracts and pupillages, when they competition year on year just keeps getting tougher!

I genuinely believe that you can be the most academic person in the world legally, but if you don’t have a passion for the subject and working in law then you may not get very far!

Rebecca x

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