New York Work Experience Is Starting


So as promised I am going to try and do regular updates on this exciting adventure I am about so start. 

Last week I had my first Skype call finding out my placements during the programme as well as some of the tasks, and the assessed coursework.

It is all quite new to me but I am sure I am going to learn some amazing things as well as develop skills and most importantly gain some contacts in America.

Any day now I am going to be in a Skype session where I find out my first couple of real life tasks, that is after I have studied basic New York Legislation. One of the things I think I will find most interesting is that in America you tend not to get the solicitor/barrister divide, one person does all the work. This will be quite interesting for me to see, as though I want to be a barrister, I will be able to experience case management and handling from start to finish.

I will keep you all posted on what I get up to over the next few months.

rebecca x


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