Diary of a Part Time BPTC Student – Part 16

How is it the day before New Years Eve already?! Where has this year gone.

Sadly I am still ill, I have had this stupid sore throat and cough thing for 2 weeks now, and I still have it.  My voice doesn’t sound normal still and I am hardly sleeping, so things haven’t been fun.

I had a great Christmas though and hope you all did too!

The REDOC exam seems to be getting closer and closer, well it is in 4 days, which is scary!

I hope you are all enjoying your time off Uni and work, and for those of you back at work for a few days that they are productive and not super long days (I secretly love these days at work, getting lots done and leaving early!).

So my next #diaryofaptbptcstudent will be in 2016, I am hoping to be able to share lots more with you as the course progresses and I attend more events etc.

For now though, I hope you have enjoyed these posts on what life is like as a part time BPTC student, it is tough studying and working full time, especially with all of the extra-curricular things to do, but I always knew it would be tough and despite all of that I am loving every minute of it – and I am so pleased as I have always wanted to study the BPTC!

2015 – you have been a lot of fun, a lot of hard work, challenging, exciting, and everything else in between, and I am definitely ready to see what 2016 has in store!

Rebecca x


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