Diary of a Part Time BPTC Student – Part 15

So it is the day before Christmas Eve and I am writing this blog post whilst I am on the train on the way to my Mum’s.  I am so looking forward to having a few days off work and getting to spend time with my family, though a fair amount of my spare time is going to be spent revising for my first BPTC exam.

The exam (as I may have mentioned before) is on the 4th January 2016 and it is REDOC… I have heard mixed things about the module from people who have studied at BPP and also people who have undertaken the exam already from other BPTC providers.. I will keep you posted.

On top of that there is a lot of work to do for January’s BPTC weekend, and I need to submit a mock Opinion Writing assessment, and also start prepping for our Professional Ethics exam in March as we have only had 3 classes, and the exam is set by the BSB, so it definitely won’t be easy! Lots and lots to learn!

Have a great Christmas everyone, I hope you all have a brilliant time with your family and friends.

Rebecca x


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