I am going to the ALT Conference…

…actually I am not just going to the ALT Conference, I am going to be presenting at the conference.

So this afternoon I got an email to say I was confirmed as someone who will be speaking at the conference at Northumbria University next March!

I am super excited but really did not expect to get chosen.

The deadline for submissions was originally 11th December (this has now been extended) and a law tutor that I know suggested I quickly put something together and apply, so I did, but I never imagined getting selected.

The ALT Conference (Association of Law Teachers’ Annual Conference 2016) is a conference which runs each year (and every year I stalk the hashtag used as some amazing lecturers present on various topics surrounding studying law, technology, advancements in the legal system etc. and I always love seeing what is happening), so to be able to go and present for the first time is going to be surreal!

The website is: https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/academic-departments/northumbria-law-school/law-research/promoting-collaboration-2016/

If I hadn’t been accepted to present, I would have definitely still bought a ticket and gone to see the conference with the hope of broadening my knowledge, seeing advancements in teaching/studying law and also what is on the horizon for aspiring students and academics, as well as current ones!

I will keep you posted on the developments and information as and when I get given it, but for now I am still in a slight state of shock, because this is a big deal and I really hope I don’t mess up! I will also do a post on more specifically what the theme is for this year as well as more information about what the conference is all about (as I know this is quite brief!).

Definitely an amazing early Christmas present.

Rebecca x

P.S. if like me you want to stalk the conference and the lead up to the conference then follow the hashtag #ALT16 and follow them @ALTNorthumbria and for general information abouyt the Association of Law Teachers @alt_law and via http://www.lawteacher.ac.uk/

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