What is The Schools Consent Project?

You will have seen my previous post this week about volunteering with The Schools Consent Project (http://wp.me/p4pPCf-or) and if you have two minutes this week please read this information from Kate about The Schools Consent Project:


The Schools Consent Project is a lawyer-run initiative which discusses the legal definition of consent and key sexual offences (including ‘sexting’) with students aged 11-18. Our aim is to normalise conversations about consent amongst young people in order to tackle sexually harmful attitudes. We want to empower students with a language and confidence to check, give, withhold or withdraw their consent and to call-out non-consensual sexual activity in others. We address victim impact, common prejudices, appropriate responses to victim disclosure and your options in the event of an attack alongside the legislative framework. 

Having delivered its inaugural workshop in March 2015, the Schools Consent Project has since spoken to nearly 1000 students from a variety of schools and backgrounds. Due to demand, we have recently expanded to the North West. Our pro bono assistance from Hogan Lovells and our partnership with University of Law, Kaplan Law School and The City University Law School has enabled us to train legally qualified volunteers to raise the consent conversation in more classrooms across the country. For anyone interested in pro bono experience with a focus on youth empowerment, gender equality, criminal law and feminism, please contact info@theschoolsconsentproject.com or visit our website on www.theschoolsconsentproject.com.

Rebecca x

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