CLT – Paralegal Courses (and some other new legal online courses) – LITM discount

So some of you may remember that when I was Editor last year for Uni Law Students I was able to secure all ULS students a discount on the CLT paralegal courses, well I am super excited to announce that I now have my own discount which all of you readers can use (and this applies to both types of Paralegal courses (BTEC and Special) as well as two new courses, The English Legal System and one on Communication etc)! 

 CLT run a series of different paralegal courses – great for those who don’t have legal training, or those who have some/lots of legal training but want more depth in a specific area of law (I now former BPTC students who are waiting for pupillage who are undertaking these courses).

So all you lovely LITM readers are entitled to the reduced rates which are shown in red below.

Make sure you check out their online brochure for lots more information:

Here is some info about CLT

Central Law Training are the leading provider of practical qualifications and training for non-lawyers in the UK.

 Over the last twenty-five years we have worked with tens of thousands of legal support professionals, law students, graduates and trainees to update, qualify or re-train, to enhance their credentials and practical skills.  

 Who are we?

Central Law Training (CLT) is the leading provider of paralegal training in UK law. We are the preferred training provider of the Institute of Paralegals – the foremost professional body for paralegals in the UK.  

 What do we do?

We aim to improve non-lawyers skills/knowledge/efficiency through practical and professional training.  For organisations we decreasing risk, increasing profitability and motivate staff. For individuals we advance career prospects, improve confidence and increase credibility.


Through interactive online distance learning training (flexible to minimise impact on day to day business for organisations), or in-house team training (bespoke training solution to train high numbers cost-effectively). 


  •  Introduction to the English Legal System – £150 – quote LITM for £100 short 5-10 online programme to familiarise support staff with the legal profession and how law works
  • Communication, Competency & Compliance Toolkit – £350 – quote LITM for £300 – for all unqualified staff in firms, it provides verifiable competency standards (with a view to the new SRA rules on competency) and covers things like communication skills, ethics and how to deal with clients effectively
  • BTEC Online Diplomas – £795 – quote LITM for £595 – comprehensive practical overview for support staff new to a practice area; subject specific courses available in twelve disciplines (e.g. Employment Law, Debt Recovery, Company Law, etc)
  • CLT Specialist Paralegal Qualifications – £1,695 – quote LITM for £1,250 in a specialist area for paralegals, legal secretaries and other practising non-qualified staff with one year or more experience; maximising fee earning and minimising risk

 Entry requirements

None. Our student demographic is diverse, from secretaries brand new to the profession with no background; to solicitors returning to a discipline looking for a practical refresher. 

 Time scales

 Start dates

None – training available as and when training needs arise for individuals or employers.


For the BTEC – interest-free for up to 6 months

For the Specialist – interest-free for up to 12 months

Packages can be paid over instalments to suit firms. All fess must be paid before course certificates issued

All costs are included in the course fee – registration, materials, assessment, support, tuition and certification

 What qualification do students receive?

On completion of the qualification, students receive an award from CLT which is recognised by the Institute of Paralegals as the highest quality of training available for legal support staff in the UK. 

 How do the courses work?

Distance Learning:

 Intro to English Legal System

  •  5 short online modules
  • Multiple choice assessments
  • Certificate provided on completion


  • Quick, easy to digest overview of the English legal system for those with no existing knowledge


Communication Competency and Compliance Toolkit

  • CLT provide a dedicated textbook (online and hard copy)
  • Students read through our six modules and complete two assignments (short practical exercises submitted by email)
  • Once each assignment is passed (pass mark 50%), CLT provide a certificate verifying completion for that individual

 General aims:

  • Provide verifiable communication/competency standard
  • Compliant with new CPD rules from SRA (coming into force in 2016 and require firms to attest to competency of staff)



  • Taught at level comparable to QCF Level 3 (A-Level)
  • Providing a comprehensive practical overview
  • Six core units provided by dedicated textbook
  • Students work through the modules and submit two assignments online
  • Dedicated tutor and administrative support
  • Certificate issued on successful completion of both assignments

The general learning aims and objectives of BTEC are to give you:

  • Increase confidence/knowledge
  • Reduce risk
  • Motivate support teams



  • Taught at level comparable to QCF Level 6 (module on LLB or LPC)
  • Providing a comprehensive practical overview – an AZ of a legal discipline – ideal for all non-qualified professionals
  • Core modules provided by dedicated textbooks (also available online)
  • Students work through the modules and submit short practical assignments(the type of work you would undertake in a law firm) online then take an open-book exam in their offices or at CLT
  • Dedicate tutor and administrative support
  • Certificate issued on completion of exam
  • Graduates can become Qualified ParalegalQ. Inst. Pa. 
  • The highest level of paralegal training available in each area in the UK

The general learning aims and objectives are to give you:

  • complete knowledge and skills to fee earn confidently in legal support matters
  •  increase productivity and profitability
  • fully qualified professional status
  • highest level of support staff credibility with colleagues and clients

 If you need any more information the person you need to speak to at CLT is Daniel Byrne and feel free to email him on:  and don’t forget to mention the code ‘LITM’.  I am still shocked I have my own discount code and I hope you all make lots of use of the resources provided by CLT.

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