My ‘Lawyer In The Making’ blog morning/day out

As you know on the 21st July I had various things planned for the day, I met with The Penalty Team in London, but also had my Radio Interview in Cambridge and then headed back to London for Big Voice London’s Summer School in the evening.

There were also some things I had wanted to do for a while, and decided to utilise my time as best I could and fit in as many of these as possible (blog posts to follow on all of these!).

I did some legal wandering in London, my main focus was to head on over to Wildy book store and take some photos in their Fleet Street store (the one near Middle and Inner Temple) and then quickly walk up the road to the one by Lincoln’s Inn.  I managed to get both and these are going to be going up very soon – don’t forget though that Wildy bookstore offers a 10% discount if you are a student!

On my walk up to the other Wildy Book Store (the bigger one!) I walked by the ICLR offices and they had a display in the door – I did try and take a few photos but it was extremely sunny that day (makes a change for London!) and I don’t think they came out very well, but I did get some of their display from the inside.  The gentlemen there spent some time talking to me and he gave me two little books to mark the 150th ICLR anniversary, and I will be sharing these with you shortly.

I then walked by the Law Society, which is a spectacular building and as I had my camera on me I thought I would head in (as I usually only have my phone on me – but I am thinking my camera may be coming on lots of these random days out now!) – sadly there were a lot of events on that morning/lunchtime so I couldn’t take any photos really but I was handed a lot of leaflets and I will show you what is on offer with the Law Society – they were so so helpful and I will be heading back at some point to take a few photos for you!

I then finally went and took my photos at the other book store and as I left there was a bright green building with Legalstat as the sign – I am never normally this brave but I headed in to see what they did.  They were really helpful and lovely to talk to and filled me on what they provided as they are a legal printer/reprographic service and lots more! I will share a post about them in due course!

I had the most amazing morning walking around (in the sun!) and doing my own thing – if only every day could be like this!

I even managed to fit in a quick blog post and blog planning whilst sat in a Coffee Shop having a hot chocolate! Keep an eye out for these posts over the coming weeks!

Rebecca x

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