Networking on the plane!

I do genuinely hate the word networking but today I managed to network on the plane!

I was sat next to a lovely couple and at various times throughout the journey we would speak. At one point we had a full on conversation and we realised that they live two roads down from my Grandad in Banbury (small world!).

Then she mentioned (after I told her I wanted to be a barrister) that her best friend owned a firm in London and I informed her of one of summer plans for my blog and she said she would pass on my details and see if he would like to be involved!

She also passed on his details!

Save to say that I had a great flight, had some amazing conversations with the couple about San Francisco, what they do at home, what their family do etc. and also career stuff!

I even managed to write some blog posts and plan out some more details for my summer LITM ideas! (and some of my plans for next year!).

That and watch a couple of films!

Rebecca x

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