25 things before I am 25 update

I will do a proper 25 things before I am 25 update on my birthday next year (that will definitely be a scheduled post!) but I just thought I would share how I have sort of crossed one off my list..

One of the things on my list was to book a train journey anywhere and spend the time blogging, well I sort of did that on 19th May 2015.  Whilst I didn’t book a train journey specifically to blog, I was on my way to Newcastle for the Thinking Digital Conference 2015 and spent the whole time writing blog posts on my Mac… that sort of counts right?

If in the next 10 months I am able to just escape on the train for the day and blog then I definitely will but for now what I have done will be classed as a tick!

Feel free to check out my list here: http://wp.me/p4pPCf-du

This was 25 random things I want to do, and I have plenty of other things I would like to do in the coming years so I am really looking forward to many adventures, random days out, friends and family and seeing where my legal career takes me.

Rebecca x

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