LLB – all done!

So I thought I would do a post to say that I am completely finished with my LLB, I am so pleased to have finished, but this summer will feel weird (as I won’t have anything to prep studying – yes I know I am a law geek and not many students prep in advance of the year ahead – but Herts Uni gives us access to the old Module Guides so it makes sense!).  Though it does mean I can make the most of blogging and developing some of my ideas for this until I start the BPTC and they give me a suitcase full of books and materials!  (No doubt though I will try and do a bit of prep as I know a few tutors and students!).

I was meant to finish my degree on the day my dissertation was submitted but in true Hertfordshire Uni style that was changed as my MCQ for another module (a little 10% online exam we do for each module) was pushed back to the Tuesday after my dissertation was handed in!

This was to the surprise of my of the students as you have a 24 hour window to sit the exam in (in your own time, and allowed to use computers, books etc) so we were all somewhat perplexed that the exam was pushed back a week!

I managed to get a first in the little MCQ which was good though!

Now it is just the wait to get our results, and I am not sure when that will be! Regardless though I will be commencing the BPTC in September which I am so pleased about!

Rebecca x

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