A massive thank you!

Hi everyone,

So voting for the UK Blog Awards 2015 closed last week, and I want to say a massive thank you to everyone for voting and for sharing my voting links, and for all of you on twitter who retweeted!

I am really grateful to everyone who voted, and whilst I know I won’t win, it was amazing to see how many people read my blog and were willing to vote and share it around.

I also had really unusual people sharing some of my links, such as Sky News Presenters and some footballers, which was quite random!  I was also able to network and talk to a lot of university lecturers, law societies, chambers, barristers, legal professionals, and not just in the UK and that has been fantastic and I hope to continue networking with them.  It has also drawn a lot of new followers to my blog and I really hope you enjoy reading my posts!

So on the 15th December 2014 the shortlist is announced, and that a list of the top 10 blogs who had the most votes in each category and they will then be judged by a panel and the winners announced at the UK Blog Awards 2015 event next year.

A couple of people asked me this week if I would be disappointed not to be shortlisted or win, and rather than reply individually I thought I would just write about it on here.  The answer would be no, as lovely as it has been (and I will probably put my blog up next year for these awards as you can nominate yourself) my blog was never set up just to try and win awards.  It is great to be recognised but my blog isn’t for that at all.  As you all know I just really enjoy writing random legal related articles, and sharing what I am up to with you, and also having the chance to meet and talk to so many people at various stages of their legal careers, in a multitude of legal roles.  So that is still why I have my blog and whilst it has developed a lot in the last year and no doubt will carry on developing, I still want it to have my original focus, so there is still going to be updates and news articles on here as well as info on law topics and various events I attend.

Thank you once again, and let me know if there is anything you would like me to blog about (legal wise!)

Rebecca x



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