Pearson Revision Day – Update

So a little while ago you may remember that I attended the Pearson Law Express Revision Day, and wrote a blog post about it here:

I had a brilliant day and it was definitely filled with lots of useful tips, so if they run this again next year, I would highly recommend that you book a place and attend! You get to hear first hand from tutors about exam and coursework tips, and these are often things you remember at the start of term but by the time May comes around you have completely forgotten them.

So after posting my blog post, Pearson kindly retweeted the link on their Facebook page, which I found quite exciting and pleased that my blog is being shared, and hope that some of you found it useful!

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So thank you Pearson for the retweet, I really appreciate it!

If you haven’t already, I would highly recommend that students check out the Law Express books, and whilst they are no substitute for those big fat textbooks that everyone tends to ignore, they are brilliant at providing you with a basic understanding of the topic areas or a quick refresher!

Rebecca x

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