Never give up on your dream…

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So I saw this quote today and it really made me think about my own way into my dream legal career.  Ever since I was little I was going to be a lawyer, and I was going to study Law at university and go on to become a barrister.

But when I look back on how I imagined it was all going to be, my journey has taken a very different route and taken a lot longer than I had ever dreamt it would and I still have a fair way to go…

Then I think to myself, would I change all of this that I have now, to have had 3 years at University where I would now have already done the BPTC and be hoping to find a Pupillage… in all honesty, probably not.

Whilst I would love to already be at that stage and whilst I cannot wait to graduate and move onto the next chapter, I have gained so much experience, lived a life and been able to achieve and do things I never would have been able to had I gone to University like I always wanted to.  I have been on holidays and seen some of the world, I have worked in law firms and developed my legal knowledge and experience, I have networked and undertaken Mini Pupillages and I have marshalled judges in court.  I have set up a website to remind myself of my journey and to encourage others, I have written articles which have been published and I am getting published in a book.  I have also learnt how to work with people, and how to work in general, I have learnt the value of money, and how amazing it is do something with money you have worked hard for.

I have also proved to myself that it is possible, and you can hold down a full time job and study if you really put your mind to it.  It is by no means easy, but it will all be worth it in the end.

My journey is far from over, but I am more determined than ever to make it!

Keep working hard everyone, dreams really do come true, if you put your mind to it!

rebecca x

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