Uni – Post cards, talks etc.

Sometimes after various open days at the University of Hertfordshire, I would get emails from prospective students saying that they had heard about my blog from various lecturers, and I absolutely love hearing from you (even if I find it a tad surreal).

So after a couple of chats with members of the law school it was decided that on various open days and talks my post cards with my blog details will be in the various stands dotted around the law school and on the tables.

I am very grateful to Uni for putting them out and also talking about my blog (something I didn’t realise they did, and also extremely grateful for one tutor in particular for even managing to apparently work my blog into an Equity skills class), and as a result I have and will be speaking at a few events/open days etc.

Also any of you can get in touch via my contact page on here or sending me an email rebecca@lawyerinthemaking.co.uk if you have any questions or tips you want to know!

Rebecca x


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