Tips for Aspiring Clinical Negligence Lawyers by Amanda Yip QC

Earlier this week, thanks to Twitter I was able to tweet a very well regarded clinical negligence QC, Amanda YIP.

After wanting to pursue a career in clinical negligence I decided to ask for some tips and Amanda Yip QC very kindly replied and has since set up a blog tailored to young lawyer’s and law students questions about the law. This includes tips that students ask for, as well opinions and thoughts on areas of law etc, and how to try to have the correct work-life-balance.

Amanda’s first blog post contains her top tips for aspiring clinical negligence lawyers, and I found the blog post extremely useful and informative. No doubt, I will be referring to this blog post by Amanda for many more years to come.

The blog post is very encouraging and I am attaching the link for any of you that are interested in having a read.

I am very grateful to Amanda Yip QC for her time in writing this post and for all of the information she gives, and I look forward to reading more of her blog posts in the future.

rebecca x

The link is:

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