5 places you can find me online

I am a lover of all things social media and engaging with the legal profession.  That doesn’t necessarily just me sharing content, that means me engaging with legal news, polls, blog posts, discussions, events and much more.

When I say legal profession, I don’t just mean lawyers and law firms.  I mean academics, law students, law schools, legal news outlets, legal companies etc.

So here is a quick round up of 5 places you can find me online.  Obviously you can find me here, on the blog, so that counts as one!


I love Twitter as a platform. It is great for checking out legal news, other people’s blog posts, legal discussions, finding out about legal events. Following legal events online, academics, lawyers, law firms, law schools and fellow law students.  There are also law associations, legal journals, news and so much more. If I don’t stop writing about twitter now, this blog post will turn into a twitter lovefest, so let me stop right now. Follow me here. I always send a tweet to new followers.


I have a Facebook Page for my blog, you can check it out here – do head on over and give it a follow.

As a quick reminder, likes on posts don’t rank like they used to, so the heart emoji or face emojis or comments are greatly appreciated.

A little bit cheeky but here is a link to my Law Student Facebook Group – totally free, just for law students and we have some great discussions.  I guess if I can’t plug my own Facebook Group on my blog, then when can I?!


I am over on LinkedIn, and hope you are too! If you are on LinkedIn, do connect with me here.

I am also happy to have a glance at your LinkedIn page to see if I can recommend what (if anything) you could do to enhance your profile.


More videos are coming I promise.  I am so glad that after I uploaded my Q&A video that you all wanted more videos. It was something I never thought I would do (share regular videos), and my YouTube channel was just created to host my Q&A video. Fast forward a year or so and 14 videos are uploaded. I know it isn’t loads but there will be more coming your way. More videos are coming soon, I love that you all really like the video content, so expect more for the last quarter of 2018.  Tell me what you want to see though, leave me a message or comment! Find me here on YouTube, and then go and subscribe and hit the bell icon, so you never miss a video!

If you do watch a video though, please hit the like button or leave a comment.  And do share with friends, fellow law students, whether via social media or your VLE.


I am a big lover of Instagram and the content being shared on there. It is a great platform, and full of law students, lawyers, law schools and law firms (as well as legal tech companies). So come over and follow Lawyer In The Making, I share my own journey, top tips, study tips, legal news, we have polls and discussions.  I also give you a little insight into my life, the things I like etc. Follow me here, and do say hi and tell me you have found me via my blog.

Rebecca x

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