5 Lawyer In The Making YouTube Videos To Check Out | 3 April 2018

Today I thought I would share 5 of my Lawyer In The Making YouTube videos with you that you might want to check out.  There will be another series of videos coming soon, I am just waiting for time to edit them and upload.

As always, I have a large list of videos I want to film but do send me an email/tweet or message on social media with your requests.

So here they are, 5 videos to check out today!

Lawyer In The Making Q&A

I guess I can’t really share a list of my own videos and not mention this one.  This was the first video I filmed professionally and had the best time doing it, and the nerves settled very quickly.  In this video I talk about my career, what Lawyer In The Making is all about, and also why I blog.  Watch it here Lawyer In The Making Q&A Video

Get In The Lawyer Mindset | Attend Legal Events

I am a massive advocate of law students ‘getting into the lawyer mindset’ and a great way of doing that is by attending legal events.  Now I know that sometimes these events are costly or at obscure times, or just not practical to attend.  However, you can always follow events online, using the event hashtag or ask for a copy of the notes.  Alternatively, ask if they offer a student discount on event tickets, or some people will purchase a spare to gift to someone.   Whether it is a seminar on a legal topic of interest, a public lecture, an online webinar, a conference – it is really important you try as law students to attend some.  Watch more on this here.

Law Students | How to use Twitter like a pro

Twitter is my go to platform for all things law.  It is the one I recommend most for law students and lawyers use, whether for research, news, networking or engagement.  I decided to pull together some of my top tips for law students, on how you, as law students, can use twitter like a pro – check it out here.  There are plenty more tips I could share, but the video would be stupidly long!

Law Students Stressing About Advocacy?

Advocacy doesn’t always come easy, and speaking in public is a crucial skill but one that many struggle with.  No matter how confident you are, everyone can get nervous and for some people/law students, nerves are there all the time.  Even when you think you know your material inside out, you can still get nervous.  I decided to share a few basic tips to help you here.

Are you having problems at University?

I get so many emails from law students sharing concerns they have, whether it be subject specific or problems with their law school, study methods etc.  I know that studying law can be challenging at times and you really shouldn’t have to suffer alone.  Equally if you are having problems at university or at home and these things are impacting on your studies then you do need to speak to someone.  Your personal law tutor, dean of school, or even a tutor you get on particularly well with should be your first port of call.  Speaking to someone at your university can help get the problem resolved a lot quicker, even if it is just some additional support, a deadline extension or an acknowledgement that the fact the heating is never on will be looked into! However, I am still more than happy to receive your emails and messages and try and help you where I can. Watch this video here.

Don’t forget to hit the thumbs up button on the videos, and the subscribe button!

Rebecca x

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