I’m back… having the flu sucks!

I feel like I haven’t blogged in forever… but it has only been two/three weeks.  You may have seen the odd post go up, those are ones I wrote in advance and scheduled.

Not all of my posts I write in advance, some are written the day I see things or when I collate a list of news articles that are current and I want to share them with you.

I try and write a mix of content so that somethings I can schedule but others I can write and upload there and then.

Thank you so much for all of the lovely messages however, and all the people that checked in to ask where I was as they hadn’t seen me on social media much.

Having the flu sucks big time.  When people used to say “you will know when you’ve had the flu, it is nothing like having a cold” – they are right! I even had a flu jab last year and that didn’t save me from catching it.  It completely wipes you out and comes on so quickly, unlike a cold.

Is it bad that I totally missed being on twitter and instagram? I also really missed not being able to start conversations in my Facebook Group for law students.

I really like twitter as a platform for keeping up to date on legal news, topics, discussions and also what everyone (as well as law schools and law firms) are up to generally!

I am back, I am writing again, I am catching up on all of the things I have missed over the last few weeks and also seeing what is planned for the next few weeks in the legal world!

Have a great week!

Rebecca x

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