A Brief Guide To Being A Law Student | 24 Hour Discount Extended

You may have read my blog post yesterday or seen the email I sent out.  Due to time zone differences some of you that wanted the ebook couldn’t email me in time for the discount so I have made the decision to extend it, but not just for another 24 hours…

If you want a copy of my ebook for law students at the discounted rate of £7.99 instead of £12.99 then you have until 11:59pm GMT on Sunday 10th December 2017.  The instructions are still the same:

  1. Send an email to rebecca@lawyerinthemaking.co.uk with the subject “Ebook December Special Discount”.
  2. I will (within 48 hours of the discount ending) send you a Paypal link for £7.99
  3. Once payment has been received I will then send you across the epub file of my ebook within 48 hours.
  4. You then be able to read my ebook. Whether you choose to read it from cover to cover or more likely dipping in and out as and when you need help/support etc. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

Thanks so much and please do share this post with your friends and fellow law students!

Rebecca x

Things to remember

  1. If you don’t follow the above steps you won’t be eligible to receive the ebook at the discounted price. 
  2. It is my ebook and I have self-published it.  It is impossible to cover everything I would like to cover, especially in the first version.  I could have written so much more! So version 2 (which is being released towards the end of 2018) will cover some of the smaller ebook topics in more depth! 
  3. There is a small chapter targeted to law students in the UK (England and Wales) in terms of career paths and studying the LLB.  The rest of the ebook content is suited to law students all over the world! 
  4. The ebook is completely interactive, clickable links to resources, books, videos, blog posts and more.  
  5. The ebook will be sent as a download and therefore an epub version and should open on your phone/tablet/laptop as a download or in your ‘reader’ app, the epub version means you get to enjoy all the interactive features a little bit easier.  If you are unable to open the ebook, I can send over a PDF version.
  6. You can print the ebook, it is a big file though and you won’t have access to all of the interactive features. 
  7. The usual disclaimers apply to this ebook which can be found at the start of the ebook.
  8. This ebook is not be shared by you in any way.  Legal action can and may be taken against you if it is found that you are sharing the publication. 

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