YouTube | Where have I been?

Where have I been?

So, where have I been? Here, there and everywhere it feels like.  But, I’m not talking about destinations in this post, I have been so quiet over on YouTube and I wanted to let you know that’s all about to change.

I filmed this quick video to explain where I have been, and what you can expect going forward!

What can you expect on my Lawyer In The Making YouTube channel?

If you watch my video you will see that I do want to keep the content tailored to both audiences.  So content for law students, but also content for lawyers and those working in the legal profession.  I am hoping that some videos will sit nicely between the two, but I am also very aware that not all the content will do that.

What can you do?

So of course I would love it if you subscribe to my YouTube channel, it just means that you will never miss a video!  You can subscribe by going onto my YouTube and hitting the subscribe button.  Equally, likes and comments are always appreciated on my videos.  Plus if you like what you see on my YouTube channel, then share a link from it to social media or with people you think will like it.

More important than that though, I would love to know what you want me to film and share.  I have a big list of topics and things I want to talk about and share, and this list I have generated myself and from conversations an discussions with people in person and online – but, I want to know what you want!

So make sure that you send me messages on social media, that you comment on my videos or that you email me with what you want.

I want to be producing content that is of interest to you, but also a benefit – so what do you want to see or learn about?

Rebecca x

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