Get to know me!

Whilst I share a lot of information about what I am up to in my legal career and studies online, my personal/private life I do tend to keep private, I like it that way.  However, one of the things I want my blog to be is personal but professional.  with that in mind I thought you should get

So here is an opportunity to get to know me a little better!

  1. My name is Rebecca.  No one really shortens it, I think I always wanted it to be Rebecca at school, as I knew I wanted to do it law.  Well I say no one really shortens it, that’s true, apart from my little sisters.  Being the oldest, when they both came along they struggled to say Rebecca, so they tend to call me Bec.
  2. I have grown up in London.  I feel so lucky to have grown up in a city that I want to work in.  I love London, and it is every aspiring lawyers dream, so I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else.  I do also love the fact that I am surrounded by amazing cities, plus the countryside and seaside.
  3.  I am ridiculously shy.  No one ever believes me, but I am.  I have always been shy and I am lucky that I know a few ways to hide the nerves when speaking at events or out and about.
  4.  I love holidays.  Ideally the kind where you just lounge around in the sun for days, but I’m not adverse to a city break either.
  5. Costa Hot Chocolate with marshmallows is the one.  If you follow me on my social media platforms you will know it is my go to drink.
  6. My closest friends are all guys. I don’t know why, it just happened that way.  There are a handful of them that I would be lost without.  Obviously, I have some girls that I am friends with as well!
  7. I have a 12 year age gap between my youngest sister and I. I was in Year 7 when she born, and I remember the day as if it was yesterday.  Now she is taller than me, far more head strong than I ever was at her age and it is a constant reminder of how much the world has changed since I was her age.
  8. When I was born there were 5 generations.  I love looking at a picture we have of my Great-Great Grandad, my Great-Granny, my Grandad, my Mum and then me as a tiny baby!
  9. I am actually brown belt in karate.  When I was younger I would go along to classes twice a week, and I would hate the thought of going, but love it once I was there (I am sure my parents hated me for this).  I gave it up when I started secondary school.
  10. My family have a house in Scotland, in the middle of nowhere, with hills and beaches nearby.  It is perfect, and the perfect escape from London.

So there you have it, 10 things you may or may not have known about me.

Rebecca x

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