End of my time as Editor-in-Chief at UniLawStudents

As some of you probably know I have spent the last year being Editor-in-Chief of @UniLawStudents and https://unilawstudents.wordpress.com

The plan was to stay for the year and I did that (and a bit more) and I could have stayed on longer, and whilst it has been a great experience and loved every minute of it, I feel the time is right to say goodbye to that, and let someone else take over!

It wasn’t overly time consuming and it was great reading other people’s articles which were going up on the UniLawStudents website, and I got to chat to loads of law students which was amazing!

I feel that also I have a lot planned for Lawyer In The Making and it is time to say goodbye.  I managed to do both fine last year, but as LITM is growing it is time to move on.

I had the option to either choose someone my self for the role or advertise it.  I had someone in mind from the moment I decided to say goodbye to the role, and decided that if they didn’t want the role then I would advertise!

I don’t want to reveal who is taking over as that is for a post on UniLawStudents but I thought I would let you all know, that as of next Thursday someone new will be the Editor-in-Chief.

The person I have chosen is amazing, and this will also be great for them to do, they will gain a lot from it, but also have a blast doing it!

I feel that I built it up quite a lot this year (as when I took over whilst it had been going for quite a while not a lot had happened in the previous year or so) so I am very much looking forward to seeing how it all develops and continues to grow over the coming year.

I had a brilliant year and loved tweeting on behalf of @UniLawStudents, uploading your blog posts and also getting you a great price for courses with CLT (especially their paralegal courses!).

So keep following @UniLawStudents and their posts – and I may occasionally write the odd post for them!

Rebecca x

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