Gary Slapper | Obituary

The Times Higher Education supplement today printed an obituary for Gary Slapper.

You will very quickly see, upon reading, that Gary Slapper had a remarkable career. A clear passion for law (and politics), as well as the ability to write and teach. His knowledge was vast, but his kind-heartedness and passion for helping others was even more so. He was always prepared to go the extra mile and help people, whether through twitter or email (or his books).

If you have not read my previous post you can do so here, I put together my own, mini-tribute to Gary.

Some other legal publications reported his death last week and you can read some of their fitting tributes here.

Law Society Gazette

The Open University 

The Times (you do need to subscribe to read the full article)


I want to close with the article headline from The Times, Gary Slapper: the man who brought law to life.

Rebecca x

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